The next time you hit the road, (be it stateside or abroad), check out literarytraveler.com, which publishes articles about famous writers and the places that inspired them. The site recently began indexing a list of popular literary destinations in the U.S. They also provide info on available literary tours, from Mark Twain's Missippi River Tours to a Parisian tour of "The Lost Generation."
Newsweek also recently had an article about literary field trips with other resources for the roaming reader.
Meanwhile, I still have lofty ambitions to someday channel my inner Tamsen Donner (okay, let's make that Laura Ingalls, to be safe) and take one of these covered wagon vacations.
Finally, The Guardian is sponsoring a giveaway for a trip to London to experience life as Queen Elizabeth I would have known it, including a tour of Hatfield House (her childhood home), the Tower of London and the Globe Theater. Click here fore your chance to win.
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