I remember being 19 and thinking that gnawing on a turkey drumstick at the local Renaissance Fair was just about the niftiest thing north of the Kentucky/Ohio border. My friend, Tricia, and I swooned at long-haired freaks in homemade doublets (we were too cool to dress up ourselves, of course) and we longingly-eyed semi-stupid knickknack booths like the one that had dragons doing every modern profession known to man. (I probably brought a lawyer dragon for my brother, no doubt.) I recall there being lots of incense and ethereal chime music and bands of rowdy thespians trying to solicit audience interaction for various skits throughout the day. ("Now everyone yell 'Huzzahhh!!!!'") We had a blast and I haven't been to another one since.
And I probably haven't thought of that experience since, until today, when I saw
this movie premise from The Hollywood Reporter. Sounds cute.
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